During this time we will request that you follow all the new travel rules:

> While on board the vehicle you must by law were a face covering at all times.

> If you are feeling unwell or have a high temperature you must not travel.

> You must use hand sanitiser while boarding the vehicle every time.

> Keep your distance when possible

> Limit your contact with other people

> You may be allocated a seat by the driver

> You must stay in the same seat for the entire duration of your trip and use the same seat for the return

> Please do not approach the driver while the vehicle is in motion, please maintain at least 1M distance at all times.

What we have done to ensure your travel is safe:

> All vehicles have been fully cleaned and sanitised before and after each trip

> All vehicles undergo full ozone treatment each day, this kills all viruses and bacterial in seats, curtains, hard surfaces to ensure your safety

> Hand sanitiser is placed at the entrance to the vehicle for passengers to use

> Passengers temperature may be taken before each trip

> Drivers have the right to refuse travel to anyone without reason

> All vehicles are fitted with fresh air vents which will run throughout your journey

> We will keep up to date with all Covid guidelines as they change

When booking a private hire coach will need to have a list of passenger names and contact numbers for all who will be travelling. Depending on your group numbers and if you are a family or friends ‘bubble’ we may need to supply you with a larger vehicle than normal for social distancing. Please call us to discuss this further on 02830203020

For more details on Covid-19 please see https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/campaigns/coronavirus-covid-19

Your safety is our first priority – Thank you for your patience at this time

These terms and conditions may be subject to change and can be altered at any time by management without prior notice.